Satisfaction with birth experience at home compared with other birth settings
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Μαία, MSc in Advanced and Evidence Based Midwifery Care - Community Midwifery
Publication date: 2019-06-20
ΕΛΕΥΘΩ 2018;20(2):37-49
Background: The number of women choosing home birth is increasing. High quality maternal birth care cannot be realized unless the childbearing woman is satisfied. The purpose of this study was to compare satisfaction with the birth experience among women planning birth at home versus in alternative planned places of birth. Methods: A systematic search of the electronic databases (Medline, Cochrane, CINAHL, EMBASE, and Scopus) was undertaken. Finally, only 4 articles were chosen in accordance with the selected criteria. Results: Satisfaction was higher for women who had both planned to deliver in a home or a birth center, and who had actually delivered in a home or a birth center, compared with those who ended up planning to deliver in a hospital or had planned a home birth or birth center birth and actually delivered in a hospital. Conclusion: Being respected, in control and listened to, are important constructs of birth satisfaction and were rated highly by the childbearing women. From this study, we have found that the environment can affect a woman’s birth satisfaction, and how we can apply certain positive features from the environment to each woman’s labour and delivery.
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